Chemical Contact

Orange, CA

Chemical contact, toxic inhalation, and job-related stress can result in devastating results. If you or a loved one has experienced such issues, the team at Joseph R Lanspa A Law Corporation would like to speak with you. We are a professional law firm located in Orange, CA and we have assisted clients since 1976. Our team is professional—we treat our clients with respect and keep all of your information confidential. Beginning with your injury the insurance company will be investigating you. You may be followed into doctor's offices and around town. You will also receive very confusing paperwork Your insurance company's appointed doctor will NOT have your best interest in mind. When hiring us we can help you wade through the mine field that your insurance company has become.

In more serious matters, our law office is also experienced with wrongful death claims. These are generally brought by the surviving family members and/or loved ones of someone who was killed as a result of their on the job injury. This could be due to a coworker's negligence or the result of an unsafe work environment. This death claim or lawsuit is brought against the person or entity believed to be responsible for the death.

Compensation as well as recovering accrued benefits is an important part of the recovery and a skilled attorney is able to identify and recover hidden benefits and/or additional compensation. Sometimes there are some terrible family disputes that arise from the disposition of property and finances, and we understand how convoluted this can be for everyone involved. It is our goal to be able to mitigate such problems, and find fast resolution during this difficult time.

Joseph R Lanspa A Law Corporation is a leading legal firm helping clients to resolve very sensitive issues and focus on a positive outcome. Please contact our office today, a helpful associate is standing by to assist.